all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 3AJ 30 3 51.541835 -0.157421
NW3 3AA 29 0 51.544979 -0.162482
NW3 3AB 23 0 51.543896 -0.162252
NW3 3AD 7 2 51.542571 -0.162089
NW3 3AG 91 0 51.541494 -0.159868
NW3 3AH 44 0 51.541883 -0.158353
NW3 3AP 8 0 51.541646 -0.157569
NW3 3AR 54 1 51.541609 -0.158032
NW3 3AS 53 0 51.54099 -0.158735
NW3 3AT 61 0 51.54115 -0.159161
NW3 3AU 3 0 51.540629 -0.159197
NW3 3AX 25 0 51.540441 -0.159276
NW3 3AY 63 0 51.540943 -0.160323
NW3 3AZ 3 0 51.541434 -0.157823
NW3 3BN 30 0 51.541066 -0.170456
NW3 3BP 4 0 51.540168 -0.170579
NW3 3BS 21 0 51.539439 -0.168805
NW3 3BT 27 0 51.540247 -0.166408
NW3 3BU 34 0 51.540495 -0.167292
NW3 3BX 11 1 51.54119 -0.169759